Feb 2018
Brand Design, Marketing Collateral, Print
Marketing & Brand Design for Fashion Trailblazer
New York based fashion entrepreneur Chloe Aan developed the concept for a high-fashion company that produces high-end clothing and accessories for women. Her idea was to create a treasure trove of high-quality fashion items that are full of variety, colours and stories.
What We Did
Aan briefed us to help create the visual identity and system of the enterprise and to define its corporate voice. We immersed ourselves in the fashion studio, absorbing useful insights into the corporate culture and brand practices. We then put the entire Chartreuse team in a workshop where we articulated elements of the brands strategy. The final stage was combining our findings and insights into a series of creative designs. To embody the qualities of the fashion brand, we relied heavily on a bold and vibrant colour palette deriving its validity from the brand’s name (Chartreuse). We elevated the brands aesthetics by adding an accent atop the wordmark to give it new meaning.
Through our processes, we created a unique wordmark to depict the brand. We also developed the brands story, visual and voice, and extended the visual identity to items contained in the brand book. Complimentary applications include developing a unique emblem, a small autobiographical documentary clip, as well as helping the brand set up the strategy for its digital and social media assets.